Zest-Test-Bronze March 24, 2024March 24, 2024 Dr.Zest Welcome to your Zest-Test-Bronze Your 'Zest' may be said to be almost a magical quality ... living life with a sense of adventure, excitement and being motivated in facing challenging situations. To help get it a bit more grounded for those who wish to grasp the nuts and bolts of it all, it's about living a better life! A good way to get started is to complete this short quiz. This short quiz (of just 8 key questions) should only take just a few minutes, then you'll get a basic ideal of your level of 'Zest' ... as an indicator to help assess your enthusiasm, vitality, joy and passion for life. To get started - please click the blue NEXT button to the bottom right ... Have fun! 1. As you awake, how excited are you to jump out of bed and get into your day? NO - Not at all Slightly Some what Reasonably Moderately Yes Yes - very much YES! - Extremely Yes!! - Totally! 2. As you prepare for your day, how motivated do you feel to embrace the challenges that may be ahead for you? NO - Not at all Slightly Some what Reasonably Moderately Yes Yes - very much YES! - Extremely Yes!! - Totally! 3. As you go about your day, how willing are you to participate in activities? No - Not at all Slightly Somewhat Reasonably Moderately Yes Yes - very much YES! - Extremely YES!! - Totally! 4. As you go about your day, how enthusiastically do you embrace any challenges? No - Not at all Slightly Somewhat Reasonably Moderately Yes Yes - very much YES! - Extremely YES!! - Totally! 5. As the day ends, how productive or successful do you feel? No - Not at all Slightly Somewhat Reasonably Moderately Yes Yes - very much YES! - Extremely YES!! - TOTALLY! 6. As you're retiring at night how satisfied you are about what you've achieved? No - Not at all Slightly Somewhat Reasonably Moderately Yes Yes - very much YES! - Extremely YES!! - TOTALLY! 7. As your sleeping at night, how contented and relaxed do you feel? NO - Not at all Slightly Some what Reasonably Moderately Yes Yes - very much YES! - Extremely YES!! - TOTALLY! 8. In general, if you reflect, how much enthusiasm, vitality, joy and passion for life are you feeling? NO - Not at all Slightly Somewhat Reasonably Moderately Yes Yes - very much YES! - Extremely YES!! - TOTALLY! To receive your results by email - please fill in the comment box - your name, email and any comments - and we'll reply to you asap! Name Email Phone Time's up